Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mecha Weekend - Scopedogs

To keep this blog alive, and to maybe interact more with you guys(if there's any...), I'll be reviewing certain interesting Mech from various series over the weekend. Starting off, with the Scopedogs.

Good ol' Scopedogs get their debut in the VOTOMS series back in 1983, as a mid-class standard Armored Trooper. These "tin can with machine gun" finally got their room in the new SRW, Z2. With the simple and tiny design, Scopedogs can be use as both for combat and maneuver purpose. Their base-body are capable of equiping several pieces of optional equipment and weapons.

Most common equipment are their Arm punch, Machineguns, and rocket laucher. Different color camera on their eye act as lens which are interchangable when required for certain weapons.

Like the Zakus in the Gundam series, there are Custom-made version of these guy. But let's save that for later and end this here.

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